Registration Info
Tryout registration is required. Register for tryouts by competing the WEVA registration and the Impact Tryout Registration (links below). Be sure to select “IMPACT VBC” as your club. You must bring a copy of your USA VB Membership Card to the first tryouts, as well as proof of WEVA registration. There will be no on-site registration for tryouts.
Tryout Fee
Impact charges a tryout fee of $45 if pre registered or $55 for walk-ins. Acceptable payment methods include: cash, Venmo, or Cash App. The tryout fee is required in order for an athlete to walk onto the court for tryouts. The tryout fee is not refundable, even if your daughter is not placed on a team or chooses not to accept a place on an Impact team.

Age Groupings
Athletes can play at their eligibility age or above.
Age appropriate for 18s team (DOB on or after July 1, 2006)
Age appropriate for 17s team (DOB on or after July 1, 2007)
Age appropriate for 16s team (DOB on or after July 1, 2008)
Age appropriate for 15s team (DOB on or after July 1, 2009)
Age appropriate for 14s team (DOB on or after July 1, 2010)
What do I bring to tryouts?
You should bring:
- Proof of WEVA registration
- $55 Tryout Fee ($45 if pre-registered)
- Shirt Color Based on Age:
- 18’s – Black
- 17’s – Gray
- 16’s – White
- 15’s – Blue
- 14’s – Red
Come dressed to play. Bring your energy and your smile. And bring a water bottle.

WEVA Registration
WEVA Registration is required prior to tryouts.
Please use the registration link below in order to register through WEVA to participate in the upcoming tryouts.
When prompted for your club, please choose “Impact Volleyball Club”, unless your athlete is trying out for more than one club, in which case registration should be listed as “undecided” until a club is selected.
Note that there is a $69 WEVA membership fee, payable online at the time of registration. This fee is nonrefundable.
If your player is not currently registered with WEVA, you may select First Time Registration and choose “tryout registration” option for $15.00.
We get the majority of our information directly from the WEVA registration. Please be sure your contact information is correct and complete when you register.